Higher Learning by Chip Dombrowski
January 2021 issue of the Bridge Bulletin Magazine

As a bridge teacher, I cannot thank you enough for these lessons. Wow!
I am so excited to get online and get my students and players engaged!
Btw, I have taken every tutorial you have offered and can't wait to see what else you will be doing.
Will you be selling your teaching hand .LIN files? That would be a great resource for teachers everywhere. Just a thought.
Julie C.
Just want to thank you and Silvana in particular for the help videos and time you spent helping all of us in the Bridge community get our virtual club games up and running, as a smaller club, it's always a challenge reinventing the wheel over and over again! So thank you again, and we would love to show our appreciation for all your time spent on this endeavor, come see us if you are in Denver, we will put out the welcome mat!
;-) Ellis